
Functional Ecology: Plain Language Summaries – For every paper published in Functional Ecology, the authors write a plain language or lay summary, which explains the research (and its importance) in a generally accessible way is based in , according to alexa, doesn't have a global rank
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For every paper published in Functional Ecology, the authors write a plain language or lay summary, which explains the research (and its importance) in a generally accessible way
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Functional Ecology: Plain Language Summaries
Some soil microorganisms degrade dead leaves faster than others, and our study shows how this can happen
Hibernation timing in ground squirrels is shaped by predation risk, food availability, and reproductive opportunities
Forests that keep fires small, and how they do it
How will the smallest fishes respond to multiple big disturbances?
Spiny pollens from different species in the sunflower family reduce parasite infection in the common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens)
Biodiversity, climatic drivers, and ecological networks of glacier microbiomes varied across habitats at a global scale
Glyphosate in grassland ecosystems alters litter decomposition
Behavioural responses to parasites differ based on host social organization
Basic island biogeographic properties shape anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity in an archipelago ecosystem
Getting better with age: How old Siberian alder grows better in the warmer Alaskan Arctic
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For every paper published in Functional Ecology, the authors write a plain language or lay summary, which explains the research (and its importance) in a generally accessible way
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